I did not realize...
that people wear socks with sandals way too frequently. Everyone should be given a manual at around 5th or 6th grade that explains the dos and don'ts of common fashion trends. No more than two months ago I was at a fraternity party (totally sweet bra!) and I saw an adult male wearing black (double dagger!!) socks with sandals. Did that register? You can't believe it either, huh? Sure fads change from generation to generation, but this is one that in no circumstance is acceptable. There are only two, I repeat two, instances where it is permissible for anyone to be wearing socks with sandals. Coming or going to an athletic event that you are participating in. That's it. End of story. This kid was not doing this to be funny either, I could at least respect the attempt though it no doubt would not have been funny in the least bit. I was simply dumbfounded when no one made a point to either a) ridicule him relentlessly b) save his ass and "accidentally" dump a beer on his feet or c) punch him in the kidney and tell him to stop reading the Sears catalog for fashion advice. Man, Bruno would be so proud of me right now.