I did not realize...
that being "good" and staying in during the week can be so boring! As sort of a test/early new year's resolution, I've decided to not go out to any bars this week, eat out or drink any alcohol. Wow, what a test this has been. I've determined that there are only about 5 hours of watchable television on during the entire week and watchable does not equal quality. I've seen the horrible Dodge Ram Challenge commercials about 30 times and have determined it is the worst advertising campaign of all time. I breezed through the entire season 3 of Weeds on DVD (self plug- a review will be available this weekend on our sister site: http://izzytv.blogspot.com). Mason basketball was able to provide me with some entertainment during the week, but it was an away game and I had to watch it on-line. The amount of time I've spent on facebook has reached a sad sad pinnacle and currently I am watching a re-run of True Life over the college football "championship". Can't wait to start drinking...