I did not realize...
that some people ring a door bell with their thumb. Hang in there for a second, let me try and explain. I was in the car with my friend (who shall remain nameless for his own sake) the other day who reenacted ringing a doorbell with his thumb. Now, I'm not sure about most people, but I don't think I have never ever seen anyone ring a doorbell with their thumb. The go-to stance is fist clenched, index finger pointing at your target. Am I crazy here or does ringing with your thumb just seem bizarre?? It's almost as weird as left clicking on a mouse with your thumb. It gets the job done, but it's weird. The thumb out version is solely reserved for thumb print scanning or at least thats what all my favorite movies have taught me. Or maybe I am unaware of a sub-cultural of proponents for thumb doorbell ringing only. Great I can see it now, "Man Sued by Those for the Advancement of Doorbell Thumb Ringers." Bottom line, you thumb doorbell ringers creep me out!
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