I did not realize...
that tracking people was so easy! I'm a huge fan of the TV show Lost but the fact that everyone seemingly has gained the ability to track people is a bit drastic. While some of the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 had experience with picking up the paths of people, I seriously doubt the huge mess Hurley or pansy-ass Charlie could find anyone (maybe both could with a promise of food or heroin, respectively). The jungle these people are traveling through is massive and I'm to believe they can notice a single footprint? If you do in fact find 1 footprint, seems it should take forever to continuously find the next footprint, therefore allowing the people you are tracking to only get further away. But not on this island, no sir. I'm going to have a small scale experiment by walking in the woods behind my house and then go back and see if I can track myself. I will essentially walk around in a circle. I guarantee I will get lost (hah, I'm punny! I think that counts as another one). I can see the next days spent attempting to hunt squirrels with poorly sharpened twigs and drinking out of the polluted creek. Hey, that sounds like a great idea for a TV show. People, people getting lost... Hollywood here I come!
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